Community Guidelines

  1. We are honoring, respectful and courteous to everyone.
  2. Do your part to create and maintain a healthy and safe online community. Even as we do all we can to build this online community, we are asking you to do your part as a good standing member. If you see something questionable or inappropriate, please report it immediately to your group’s Admin and/or the Connect-ITZ team. The  Connect-ITZ team regularly reviews reported users and content.
  3. The Connect-ITZ team proactively works to maintain the integrity and health of our community. To that end, we reserve the right to remove posts and curtail conversations. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate user accounts. For example, someone who repeatedly violates these Community Guidelines will be banned. Our platform moderation team will enforce the Terms of Use, namely the prohibited uses of the platform.
  4. We adhere to the standards of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).  Connect-ITZ is intended for persons who are 13 years of age or older. The Platform is not directed at children, and Connect-ITZ does not knowingly collect any Information from children under 13 years of age.
  5. These Community Guidelines are written in accordance with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policies. These policies will be reviewed and updated periodically on our website and app.